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sawed off中文是什么意思

用"sawed off"造句"sawed off"怎么读"sawed off" in a sentence


  • 锯短的


  • Think o that bed - leg sawed off that a way , s e
  • Hutus have sawed off the legs of giant tutsis , their former masters ,
  • This structure was a water tank for cattle until she sawed off part of the wall
  • The sawn off bamboo was then moved to the roadside and cut into shorter sections so that it could be carried away in trucks
  • In the bamboo grove meditation area , fellow initiates first sawed off withered yellow bamboo to make room for young green bamboo shoots and allow sunlight to shine into the grove
  • Look at them case - knife saws and things , how tedious they ve been made ; look at that bed - leg sawed off with m , a week s work for six men ; look at that nigger made out n straw on the bed ; and look at -
    再看看用这个锯断的床腿吧,需得六个人干一星期才干得了!再看看那用稻草装成的在床上的黑奴吧,再看看” “你说得不错,海托华大哥!
  • Hunger was pushed out of the tall houses , in the wretched clothing that hung upon poles and lines ; hunger was patched into them with straw and rag and wood and paper ; hunger was repeated in every fragment of the small modicum of firewood that the man sawed off ; hunger stared down from the smokeless chimneys , and started up from the filthy street that had no offal , among its refuse , of anything to eat
用"sawed off"造句  


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